Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Copyrighting Issue

Today was also a very informative day. I always knew that there were ways to be prosecuted/sued for violation of copyright laws, but I never realized that there is constant illegal copyrighting everywhere and in everything that we do! For instance, I did not realize that it would be illegal to show a powerpoint that used a page from a book or website in a corporate setting. I also never realized that YouTube, Myspace, and several other websites are constantly breaking these copyright laws by posting music and exerpts from films and things of that nature. Although I think in most cases these situations are harmless, I do think that there should be restrictions that force these websites and users to have permission for usage. But, on the other hand, these things are also helping to give exposure to the artist or actor. For instance, you might browse your friend's Myspace page, where they have a video of an artist that you liked, but didn't know too much about (say you were familiar with the song, but not the artist). This might lead you to go to a music store and buy the album. I think that this kind of scenario probably occurs often in thed Myspace world. Nevertheless, usage of anyone else's property is unethical without their consent.


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